Tips for keeping your child safe at recess

Here are some tips for keeping your child safe at recess.

  • Check your child’s clothing: Hoods, drawstrings, or frayed clothing could easily get caught in playground equipment and cause children to trip and stumble.
  • Ask school staff about recess supervision: Make sure there are enough teachers or volunteers supervising at recess.  Supervisors should keep all areas of the playground in sight. They should also be alert and physically able to provide assistance should a child need help or get hurt.
  • Children under age 4 should not be on a playground that has ladders or nets and should be carefully supervised at all times.
  • Do a playground walk-through and report any problems to school officials.
  • Ask about broken equipment, whether there are separate play areas for older or younger children, whether there are potentially hazardous sharp points or edges and whether elevated surfaces have guardrails.
  • Teach your child things such as coming in as soon as they hear the whistle or bell, staying in designated areas, and notifying an adult of any accidents or bullying.
  • For more information, click here. Or check out this America’s Most Wanted website.

– Laura Hampton

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